Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda Y Función Pública Secretaría General de Presupuestos y Gastos
Unión Europea
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Subdirección General de Solicitudes de Pago

Subdirector General: Alfredo Luis Díaz Peña


Paseo de la Castellana, 162
28071 Madrid

Teléfono: 91 583 49 82


It shall be responsible for processing the statement of assurance and the application for payments to the Commission, as referred to in the following paragraph:

  • Preparation of proposals for management declarations and requests for payment of the financial contribution and, where appropriate, the loan tranche provided for therein. All of this, on the basis of the results of the checks carried out by IGAE under the terms and conditions provided for in the regulations governing the Recovery and Resilience Facility.

Shall perform the functions set out in the following paragraphs:

  • The monitoring of and access to information on the corresponding budgetary modifications in relation to facility 50 of the General State Budget, as well as what is established in the National Plan for Recovery, Transformation and Resilience or in its modifications.
  • Relations with the Secretariat General of the Treasury and International Finance for the purpose of monitoring and accounting for returns under the National Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.
  • Monitoring the implementation of the plan in budgetary terms.

And those which, by virtue of its competencies, apply to it in the following paragraphs:

  • El seguimiento a efectos informativos y, en su caso, de comunicación a la Comisión, de cualquiera de las obligaciones que se establezcan en la normativa europea reguladora del Mecanismo de Recuperación y Resiliencia en relación con los gastos asociados a la ejecución del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia, incluidas las referidas al tratamiento de eventuales gastos afectados por incumplimientos normativos, conflicto de interés, fraude o doble financiación. A estos efectos, estará facultada para recabar la información necesaria de cualquier organismo o entidad responsable de adoptar las medidas pertinentes o de efectuar los controles establecidos.
  • The proposal of any guidelines that may be necessary for the implementation of the plan.
  • All actions necessary for the finalisation and closure of the Resilience and Recovery Facility.