Secretaria General: Mercedes Caballero Fernández.
Enlace al Portal de la Transparencia
Paseo de la Castellana, 16228071 MadridTeléfono: 91 583 51 40
The General Secretariat of European Funds is the management body that shall be responsible, under the superior direction of the head of the Ministry of Finance, for the management, promotion and coordination of the competences attributed to the Department in relation to the definition of the Spanish position in the negotiations for the approval and revision of the successive Multiannual Financial Frameworks of the European Union, without prejudice to the coordination competences attributed in its scope to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, the design, planning, coordination and monitoring of actions related to European funds and their financing and budgetary relations with the European Union, the Cohesion Policy and regional economic policy, the regional incentives policy, the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism and the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, and, in particular, the functions listed below:
- a) Coordination, through the National Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, of actions funded under the Multiannual Financial Framework and those under the Recovery and Resilience Facility, in order to ensure coherence between them.
- b) Acting as the authority responsible for the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism and the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan before the European institutions, in the terms established in European regulations, developing for this purpose the competences established by law and regulations.
- c) Coordination with ministries, public bodies, autonomous communities and local entities and other national and community entities involved in the National Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.e
- d) Monitoring progress with respect to the milestones and targets of the Plan.
- e) The functions of the Member State in relation to the balanced scorecard as foreseen in the rules governing the Resilience and Recovery Facility.
- f) The sthe submission of the reports foreseen in the rules governing the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism, of the requests for payment of the financial contribution accompanied by the corresponding statement of assurance and, where appropriate, of the loan tranche foreseen therein. All of this, on the basis of the results of the checks carried out, under the terms and conditions provided for in the regulations governing the Recovery and Resilience Facility.
- g) Steering the Technical Committee of the National Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, coordinating its work.
- h) The technical secretariat functions of the Sectoral Conference of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.
- i) The functional design of the IT systems necessary for the management and monitoring of the different European funding instruments under the responsibility of this Secretariat-General; the dialogue with the European Commission and the participating national bodies with regard to the exchange and supply of information, including the definition of exchange norms and standards; planning and coordination in collaboration with the Office of Budgetary Informatics and the rest of the management centres responsible for the technical execution of the different projects; the design and organisation of support and training activities for the resulting systems; as well as those assigned to it, in terms of information systems and technologies, in the management and control systems of the European Funds.
- j) Statistical monitoring and use of the data contained in the information systems of European funds, in order to ensure the monitoring and follow-up functions of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan and the other European funds
The Directorate-General for European Funds and the Directorate-General for the Recovery and Resilience Plan and Facility shall report directly to the Secretariat-General for European Funds.
A Sub directorate-General for European Funds Information Systems shall also report directly to the Secretariat-General for the European Funds, which shall perform the functions set out in paragraphs i) and j) of paragraph 1.
A Technical Cabinet will be attached to the Secretariat-General for European Funds as a body providing immediate support and assistance, with the organic level of a Sub-Directorate-General.
For the legal advice of the General Secretariat for European Funds, there shall be a State Attorney's Office integrated organically into that of the department.
The person in charge of the Secretariat-General for European Funds shall chair the Governing Board of Regional Incentives.