Directora General: Ana Cristina Peña Sánchez.
Link to the Transparency Website
Paseo de la Castellana, 16228071 MadridTeléfono: 91 583 53 08 / 11
The Directorate-General for European Funds is responsible for the following functions:
- The definition of the Spanish position in the negotiations for the approval and revision of the successive Multiannual Financial Frameworks of the European Union, without prejudice to the coordination competencies attributed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation.
- Analysis, monitoring and evaluation of financial flows with the European Union, including the drawing up and coding of the budgetary programmes concerned, the drawing up of proposals for payment to the European Union of the Union's own resources and other items that may be legally required by the European Union, liaison with the European Union on budgetary matters and participation in committees and working groups related to the European budget.
- Analysis and monitoring of the planning and implementation of policies financed by the budget of the European Union through the use of tools designed to integrate this information.
- The annual determination of the equity base from Value Added Tax, for the purposes of Spain's contribution to the European Union's own resources.
- The payment proposal from the European Union to be received by the State public sector in cases where there is no managing centre or coordinating body with the authority to make this proposal.
- The management and monitoring of Spain's contribution to the European Development Fund, the European Peace Facility and Aid to Ukraine, as well as participation in their committees and working groups.
- The coordination and monitoring of the implementation of programming co-financed with European Funds is to be achieved through the use of tools that integrate information from these Funds, regardless of whether they are included in the Partnership Agreement.
- The distribution of the Interterritorial Compensation Fund among the Autonomous Communities and Cities with Statute of Autonomy; the programming of this Fund and its monitoring; the preparation of reports and legislative proposals related to this Fund, as well as the functions foreseen for the Public Investment Committee in the Law Regulating the Fund.
- The negotiation, preparation, evaluation and revision, in coordination with the different Administrations, funds and other instruments of the European Union, of the Agreements, Strategies or Frameworks, which serve for the preparation of the programmes co-financed with the European Funds; as well as the negotiation, preparation, programming, planning, evaluation and modification of the programmes and other forms of intervention co-financed with the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the Just Transition Fund (FTJ) and other funds assigned to it.
- Ensure the implementation of the evaluation activities foreseen in the Regulations related to the different funds managed, in coordination with the territorial administrations; promote compliance with the horizontal principles of gender equality, equal opportunities and non-discrimination, accessibility and sustainable development, as well as ensure compliance with the principle of additionality.
- Economic analyses and studies in the field of the European Funds.
- Those which, according to the different European Regulations, correspond to the Spanish Member State with regard to the ERDF, the FTJ, European Territorial Cooperation, the European Union's external financing instruments and other funds assigned to it.
- Those which, according to the different European Regulations, correspond to the Managing Authority or similar authority of the programmes financed by the ERDF, the FTJ, the European Territorial Cooperation, the European Union's external financing instruments, the Solidarity Fund, the European Economic Area Financial Instrument and other funds assigned to it.
- The selection of operations for financing from ERDF, FTJ and other funds allocated to it and the implementation of systems to ensure compliance with European and national standards of expenditure submitted to the European Commission for co-financing from these funds.
- Proposals for the development of legislation and regulations related to the management and control of aid from the ERDF, European Territorial Cooperation, the European Union's external financing instruments, the FTJ and other funds assigned to it, as well as the drafting of rules on the eligibility of expenditure.
- The designation of intermediate bodies for the programmes and the definition of the terms of the agreements relating to the intermediate bodies managing the funds under their responsibility.
- Negotiating with the European Commission and other institutions on matters related to the regulation of the ERDF, the FTJ, European Territorial Cooperation, the European Union's external financing instruments and other funds assigned to it.
- Cooperation and coordination with the territorial administrations with regard to the programming, management, evaluation, monitoring and communication of actions carried out with the ERDF, European Territorial Cooperation, the European Union's external financing instruments, the FTJ and other funds assigned to it.
- Representation in the committees and working groups for the coordination of European funds and other committees or collegiate bodies where it is competent and the coordination and promotion of the Thematic Networks related to the ERDF, the FTJ and other funds assigned to it.
- All actions necessary for the finalisation and closure of operational programmes of the ERDF, the FTJ, the European Territorial Cooperation, the European Union's external financing instruments and other funds allocated to it.
- Carrying out the verifications and proposing the corrective measures required to ensure the proper functioning of the management and control system for each operational programme of the ERDF, European Territorial Cooperation, the European Union's external financing instruments, the FTJ and other funds assigned to it. The overall coordination of the control system and the formulation of guidelines contributing to its maintenance.
- Those related to certification, accounting and payments, as regards the ERDF, the FTJ, the Solidarity Fund, the European Economic Area Financial Instrument and any other Fund or Instrument assigned to it, those which, according to the different European Regulations and for the different programming periods, correspond to the Certifying Authority or the body responsible for the Accounting Function of the programmes co-financed by these funds. It shall mainly include the preparation and submission of declarations of expenditure, requests for payments, statements and accounts of expenditure and the processing of payment proposals to the beneficiaries of the actions co-financed by the above-mentioned funds. It shall also include payments of funds to Spanish recipients in European Territorial Cooperation programmes in which Spain is not the Certifying Authority or equivalent body
- The management and monitoring of economic and financial information with an impact on budget implementation, in relation to programming co-financed with European funds, whether or not they are included in the Partnership Agreement, by means of tools that integrate this information.
- State implementation of the regional incentives policy, acting as a support body for the Governing Council for Regional Incentives, as well as the preparation of preliminary drafts of provisions regulating the regional incentives policy and all other functions deriving from Law 50/1985, of 27 December 1985, on regional incentives for the correction of inter-territorial economic imbalances, and Royal Decree 899/2007, of 6 July 2007, which implements it and which are not assigned to higher bodies of the General State Administration or to the competent bodies of the Autonomous Communities, without prejudice to the powers which, in matters of allocation of economic resources, correspond to the Directorate General of Budgets.
- The exercise of the inspection and verification actions corresponding to the General State Administration in relation to regional economic incentives, as well as the processing of non-compliance and sanctioning proceedings and the proposal for the adoption of the resolutions that put an end to them, without prejudice to those that correspond to the General Intervention of the State Administration in matters of control of public resources.
- The analysis and evaluation of the territorial impact of regional economic incentives.
- In the development of regional economic policy, the coordination and management of European initiatives co-financed with European funds related to urban and territorial development, including ERDF calls for proposals to support local authorities' urban development strategies, and local cooperation, as well as representation in groups, forums and committees on urban policies and territorial cohesion, both at European level and in other areas in which it is competent.
- Ensure the implementation of the communication and visibility activities foreseen in the regulations related to the different funds managed, in coordination with the territorial administrations and other managing authorities; represent the Member State in the role of national communication coordinator for the funds under shared management.