The budgetary breakdown of financial flows to and from the European Union has undergone various changes since Spain’s entry in 1986.
In its current configuration, the
state revenue budget comprises the traditional own resources collected by the State, the VAT resource, which, though it does not appear explicitly amongst the income, is integrated in the amount raised by Value Added Tax, Spain’s compensation for the expenses of collecting traditional own resources, and part of the transfers of the Structural Funds, the Cohesion Fund and others assigned to co-financing projects with the General State Administration.
In its Section 34 the
state expenditure budget sets forth both the transfers to the European Development Fund and to the General Budget of the European Union. For its part, the total amount of loans needed is recorded in the Sections of the Ministerial Departments that carry on courses of action co-financed with European Funds, without specifying what proportion corresponds to the EU and what proportion to the Spanish State.
Lastly, the income budgets of certain autonomous bodies (ABs) include the specified transfers in a way similar to the state budget.
Esquema de funcionamiento del modelo de articulación presupuestaria en el año 2016 (pdf)