Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda Y Función Pública Secretaría General de Presupuestos y Gastos
Unión Europea
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Subdirección General de Sistemas de Información de Fondos Europeos

Subdirectora General: Nuria Serrano Benavente


Paseo de la Castellana, 162
28071 Madrid

Teléfono: 915 83 51 11


The functions provided for in the paragraphs above correspond to:

  • The functional design of the IT systems necessary for the management and monitoring of the different European funding instruments under the responsibility of this Secretariat-General; the dialogue with the European Commission and the participating national bodies with regard to the exchange and supply of information, including the definition of exchange norms and standards; planning and coordination in collaboration with the Office of Budgetary Informatics and the rest of the management centres responsible for the technical execution of the different projects; the design and organisation of support and training activities for the resulting systems; as well as those assigned to it, in terms of information systems and technologies, in the management and control systems of the European Funds.
  • Statistical monitoring and use of the data contained in the information systems of European funds, in order to ensure the monitoring and follow-up functions of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan and the other European funds