The programming activities for Cohesion Policy 2014-2020, coordinated by the DG for European Funds (Ministry of the Treasury and Public Administration) include the preparation of the following strategic documents:
- The Association Agreement of Spain and
- The Operational Programme
The Association Agreement is the national document, strategic in nature, produced by each Member State of the European Union, which describes the strategy and investment priorities of Cohesion Policy Funds (ERDF, ESF, EAFRD and FEMP) for the period 2014-2020.
The defined strategy must be based on a prior analysis of the present situation of Spain and its regions, in particular of existing disparities between them, the opportunities for growth and weaknesses of all its regions and territories, in the different areas of investment identifying the 11 regulations (known as thematic objectives):
- To promote research, technological development and innovation
- To improve the use and quality of information technology and communications and access thereto
- To improve the competitiveness of small and medium companies in the agriculture sector (in the case of EAFRD ) and of the fishing and aquaculture sector (in the case of EMFF)
- To promote the switch to a low carbon economy for all sectors
- To promote the adaptation to climate change and the prevention and management of risks
- To protect the environment and promote the efficiency of resources
- To promote sustainable transport and remove key bottlenecks in network infrastructures
- To create employment and promote occupational mobility
- To promote social inclusion and reduction of poverty
- To invest in education, skills development and ongoing learning
- To enhance institutional capacity and efficiency of government.
The activities of programming are conducted in accordance with the principle of partnership and multilevel governance, that is, with the involvement of public authorities from the different levels of Spanish government, economic and social agents and representatives of civil society, including environmental agents, NGOs, equality and non-discrimination bodies.