Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda Y Función Pública Secretaría General de Presupuestos y Gastos
Unión Europea
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Subdirección General de Programación y Evaluación de Fondos Europeos

Assistant Director General: Cristina Rehberger Bescós


Paseo de la Castellana, 162
28046 Madrid

Teléfono: 91 583 55 14


It is responsible for the following functions in relation to the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the Just Transition Fund (JTF) and other funds assigned to it:

  • The definition of the Spanish position in the negotiations for the approval and revision of the successive Multiannual Financial Frameworks of the European Union, without prejudice to the coordination competencies attributed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation.
  • The negotiation, preparation, evaluation and revision, in coordination with the different Administrations, funds and other instruments of the European Union, of the Agreements, Strategies or Frameworks, which serve for the preparation of the programmes co-financed with the European Funds; as well as the negotiation, preparation, programming, planning, evaluation and modification of the programmes and other forms of intervention co-financed with the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the Just Transition Fund (FTJ) and other funds assigned to it.
  • Ensure the implementation of the evaluation activities foreseen in the Regulations related to the different funds managed, in coordination with the territorial administrations; promote compliance with the horizontal principles of gender equality, equal opportunities and non-discrimination, accessibility and sustainable development, as well as ensure compliance with the principle of additionality.
  • Ensure the implementation of the communication and visibility activities foreseen in the regulations related to the different funds managed, in coordination with the territorial administrations and other managing authorities; represent the Member State in the role of national communication coordinator for the funds under shared management.

And those which, by virtue of its competencies, apply to it in the following paragraphs:

  • La coordinación y el seguimiento de la ejecución de la programación cofinanciada con Fondos Europeos mediante herramientas que integren la información de dichos Fondos, estén o no incluidos en el Acuerdo de Asociación.
  • Negotiating with the European Commission and other institutions on matters related to the regulation of the ERDF, the FTJ, European Territorial Cooperation, the European Union's external financing instruments and other funds assigned to it.
  • Cooperation and coordination with the territorial administrations with regard to the programming, management, evaluation, monitoring and communication of actions carried out with the ERDF, European Territorial Cooperation, the European Union's external financing instruments, the FTJ and other funds assigned to it.
  • Representation in the committees and working groups for the coordination of European funds and other committees or collegiate bodies where it is competent and the coordination and promotion of the Thematic Networks related to the ERDF, the FTJ and other funds assigned to it.
  • All actions necessary for the finalisation and closure of operational programmes of the ERDF, the FTJ, the European Territorial Cooperation, the European Union's external financing instruments and other funds allocated to it.