Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda Y Función Pública Secretaría General de Presupuestos y Gastos
Unión Europea
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Subdirección General de Certificación y Pagos

Assistant Director General Jerónimo Rios Boeta


Paseo de la Castellana,162
28071 Madrid

Telefono.: 91 583 76 94


Shall perform the functions set out in the following paragraphs:

  • Those related to certification, accounting and payments, as regards the ERDF, the JTF, the Solidarity Fund, the European Economic Area Financial Instrument and any other Fund or Instrument assigned to it, those which, according to the different European Regulations and for the different programming periods, correspond to the Certifying Authority or the body responsible for the accounting function of the programmes co-financed by these funds. It shall mainly include the preparation and submission of declarations of expenditure, requests for payments, statements and accounts of expenditure and the processing of payment proposals to the beneficiaries of the actions co-financed by the above-mentioned funds. It shall also include payments of funds to Spanish recipients in European Territorial Cooperation programmes in which Spain is not the Certifying Authority or equivalent body.
  • The management and monitoring of economic and financial information with an impact on budget implementation, in relation to programming co-financed with European Funds, whether or not they are included in the Partnership Agreement, by means of tools that integrate this information.

And those which, by virtue of its competences, correspond to it in the following paragraphs, and which it shall carry out with full functional independence:

  • Economic analyses and studies in the field of the European Funds.
  • Proposals for the development of legislation and regulations related to the management and control of aid from the ERDF, European Territorial Cooperation, the European Union's external financing instruments, the JTF and other funds assigned to it, as well as the drafting of rules on the eligibility of expenditure..
  • Negotiating with the European Commission and other institutions on matters related to the regulation of the ERDF, the FTJ, European Territorial Cooperation, the European Union's external financing instruments and other funds allocated to it.
  • Cooperation and coordination with the territorial administrations with regard to the programming, management, evaluation, monitoring and communication of the actions carried out with the ERDF, European Territorial Cooperation, the European Union's external financing instruments, the FTJ and other funds assigned to it.
  • Representation in the committees and working groups for the coordination of European funds and other committees or collegiate bodies where it is competent and the coordination and promotion of the Thematic Networks related to the ERDF, the FTJ and other funds assigned to it.
  • All actions necessary for the finalisation and closure of the operational programmes of the ERDF, the FTJ, the European Territorial Cooperation, the European Union's external financing instruments and other funds allocated to it.

It is the Certifying Authority or equivalent body responsible for the accounting function of the operational programmes financed by the ERDF, the JTF and other funds and programmes of a similar nature, where it has been so designated in advance or once it has been assessed, in the case where this is established in the European regulations, for compliance with the requirements necessary for this purpose.