The ERDF 2014-2020 Evaluation Plan aims to “Provide support to Managing Authorities and Intermediary Bodies in the implementation of the Operational Programmes and analyse their effectiveness, efficiency and impact”.
The evaluation system for 2014-2020 is structured in two parts: a common part for all programmes and another specific part for each of these. That is to say:
A Common Evaluation Plan, with the elements common to all ERDF OP 2014-2020 (Common EP). It contains the common or general elements that affect all OP, including transversal evaluations that affect more than one operational programme or more than one Fund. The Common EP is proposed by the Directorate General of European Funds and is approved in the Evaluation Committee.
A Specific Evaluation Plan for each ERDF Operational Programme (Specific EP). This part of the plan is specific to each operational programme. The contents of a Specific EP are proposed by each Autonomous Community and are approved in the respective Monitoring Committees of each programme.
Common Evaluation Plan
Specific Evaluation Plans