This Reserve is intended to provide support to the Member States, regions and sectors most affected by the adverse consequences of the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the Union; and in particular it will contribute to the specific measures established by the Member States to help the businesses and economic sectors, workers, regions and local communities impacted by the end of the transition period.
Specifically, the financial contribution of the Reserve will only support public spending directly related to measures expressly adopted by Member States to accomplish the objectives established in the corresponding regulation, and may cover, in particular, the following:
- a) measures to assist businesses and local communities negatively affected by the withdrawal;
- b) support measures for the most affected economic sectors;
- c) measures to support local businesses and communities dependent on fishing activities in UK waters;
- d) measures to support job creation and protection, including through short-time work schemes, re-skilling and training;
- e) measures ensuring the functioning of border, customs, sanitary and phytosanitary and security controls, fisheries control, certification and authorisation regimes, including additional personnel and infrastructures;
- f) measures to facilitate product certification and authorisation regimes, to help meet establishment requirements and facilitate labelling and marking, for example for health, safety and environmental standards and to facilitate mutual recognition;
- g) measures for communication, information and awareness raising of citizens and businesses about changes to their rights and obligations stemming from the withdrawa;
- h) measures aimed at the re-integration of Union citizens who left the United Kingdom as a result of the withdrawal;
- i) technical assistance for the management, monitoring, information and communication, resolution of claims and control and auditing of the Reserve, limited to 2.5% of the allocation for each Member State.
The maximum amount available for the Reserve will be €5 billion (at 2018 prices), which will be provisionally allocated in advance among the Member States.
80% of the total amount (€4 billion) will be disbursed in the form of pre-financing: €1.6 billion in 2021, €1.2 billion in April 2022 and EUR 1.2 billion in April 2023.
The remaining 1 billion will be available in 2025, and how it will be allocated will depend on how the funding has been spent in previous years and taking into account any unused amounts.