Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda Y Función Pública Secretaría General de Presupuestos y Gastos
Unión Europea

Competitiveness Regions

The purpose of operational assessment is to analyse the progress made in the various Operational Programmes (OPs) by analyzing the quality and relevance of the objectives put forward, the physical and financial progress, the efficacy and efficiency of OPs, etc. A far-reaching system of indicators and a complex computer management system have been designed with this purpose in mind.

Expandir lista/Contraer lista Aragón

Expandir lista/Contraer lista Balearic Islands

Expandir lista/Contraer lista Cantabria

Expandir lista/Contraer lista Catalonia

Expandir lista/Contraer lista Madrid

Expandir lista/Contraer lista Navarra

Expandir lista/Contraer lista Basque Country

Expandir lista/Contraer lista La Rioja