Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda Y Función Pública Secretaría General de Presupuestos y Gastos
Unión Europea

Region of Valencia FEDER OP

The best performance or "Good Practice" carried out in the Autonomous Community of Valencia is described below.

Expandir lista/Contraer lista AGROBIOCON (Detection of contaminants in the food industry by biosensors), conducted by the Research Association of Food Industry (AINIA).

Expandir lista/Contraer lista ALUMBRA (Platform for Corporate Analysis of the Health Department), conducted by the Department of Health.

Expandir lista/Contraer lista Xenillet Social Center, conducted by the Local Government of Torrent.

Expandir lista/Contraer lista The acquisition of R&D high-tech equipment for research groups of the Miguel Hernández University in Elche, carried out by the Regional Government Valencia.

Expandir lista/Contraer lista INGELIA, S.L. Project: Expansion and Improvement of a Biomass Hydrothermal Carbonization (HTC) Plant, started-up by IDAE. .