Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda Y Función Pública Secretaría General de Presupuestos y Gastos
Unión Europea

Asturias FEDER OP

The best performance or "Good Practice" carried out in Asturias is described below.

Expandir lista/Contraer lista ‘Assistance for the innovation of enterprises‘, conducted by the Regional Government of the Principality of Asturias.

Expandir lista/Contraer lista ‘Environmental restoration of the Magdalena River situated between the Exhibition Palace and the municipal boundary of Aviles. (Asturias)‘, conducted by the Hydrographic Confederation of Biscayconducted by the Hydrographic Confederation of Biscay.

Expandir lista/Contraer lista ‘River restoration in Rioseco and Soto de Agues.t.m. of Sobrescobio. (Asturias)‘, conducted by the Hydrographic Confederation of Biscay.

Expandir lista/Contraer lista Youth Support and Attention Program conducted by the Local Government of Oviedo.

Expandir lista/Contraer lista Asturias Museum of Fine Arts carried out by the ‘Provincial Centre for Fine Arts” Public Foundation

Expandir lista/Contraer lista “Environmental recovery of river Aranguín in its passing through the town of Pravia, Municipality of Pravia (Asturias), carried out by the Confederación Hidrográfica del Cantábrico.

Expandir lista/Contraer lista “Environmental recovery and recovery of the natural areas of river Cuna in Pedroso, Municipality of Mieres (Asturias)”, carried out by the Confederación Hidrográfica del Cantábrico.

Expandir lista/Contraer lista ‘Environmental restoration and the recovery of natural spaces on the Turón River. TM of Mieres (Asturias)’, carried out by the Water Confederation of the Cantabrian Sea.